Oromyofunctional Therapy (OMFT) – Stephen King & Caroline Van Looy ( course language: Englisch)

Auf einen Blick

Beginn: Samstag, 01. März 2025, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: Montag, 03. März 2025, 15:00 Uhr

Präsenz-Seminar mit Mittagssnack 

Veranstalter: Semifobi Rheine
Veranstaltungsort: 48432 Rheine

Referent/in: Stephen King
Zertifikat: Teilnahmebescheinigung
Max. Teilnehmerzahl:

Standardpreis: 599,- € €


All this is within a new bio-psycho-social framework that ensures your treatment is „patient-centred“ based on the EQUATION framework (King and Flock 2022).

This course uses various anatomical regions that make sense for oromyofunctional disorders with accompanying applications.

Featured are:

  • The tongue
  • Intra-oral: pterygoid muscle and buccinator
  • Digastric
  • Masseter
  • Transverse processes of the cervical spine
  • Diaphragm

Why Attend the OMFT Workshop?

By attending this workshop, you’ll gain hands-on experience with manual techniques for treating oromyofunctional disorders and how to integrate these techniques into a comprehensive bio-psycho-social model. This approach ensures that your treatments are patient-centred, empowering your patients to make informed decisions about their care.

Early Bird Fee:€ 599,- (until 01.12.2024)

Regular Fee: € 699,-

Stephen R. King


As a thought leader in the voice health sector, Stephen has created the Voice Care model in the UK, enabling greater access to private voice therapy services from a biopsychosocial perspective. As a Co-Founder of the not-for-profit Vocal Health Education, he has overseen the education of over 3,000 Vocal Health First Aiders and several industry-leading Voice Rehabilitation Specialists. As an author, Stephen has co-written Help! I’ve Got A Voice Problem and Relational Acupuncture For Voice, with further academic articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

As an educator, Stephen has delivered courses in Vocal Manual Therapy, Vocal Acupuncture and the Psychology of Voice Disorders across Europe, China and Japan, as well as written and delivered the UK’s only intensive vocal massage training qualification. Stephen currently sits as the Director of London’s award-winning, multidisciplinary Voice Care Centre. Now semi-retired in North Devon, he works online as an integrative body psychotherapist (reg.BACP) throughHe is also a Registered Practitioner with the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine.


Lade Karte ...

Seminarort: Semifobi Rheine
Adresse: Hovesaatstr. 6, 48432 Rheine (Deutschland)
Kontakt vor Ort:
  05971 9975430 - WhatsAPP 01573 3999061


Seminare für Logopäden in Rheine beim Fortbildungsfinder
Semifobi Rheine


Semifobi Rheine

Adresse: Hovesaatstr. 6 48432, Rheine
Ansprechpartner: G.Schuite/J.Byl/I.Kleyer
Telefon: 05971 - 9975430

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